3 Proven Moves to Get Her in the Mood
Q: Dear #AskAmyColor
How Can I Get My Wife in the Mood for Sex Without Pressuring Her?
A: If your wife never seems in the mood and you’re feeling rejected, frustrated, or lost, you’re not alone. But here’s the truth: She does want intimacy—just not the way you’ve been initiating it.
Many men think sex and desire should happen spontaneously—that you should magically have the same hunger at the same time. But desire doesn’t work that way. Instead of waiting for the mood to strike, you can actively create the connection that leads to intimacy.
3 Proven Moves to Get Her in the Mood
1. Watch Your Words → Say “Make Love,” Not “Sex”
The word "sex" often makes her tense or defensive because it sounds like an expectation.
Try calling it "making love" or "heart time"—something that feels like an invitation, not a demand.
Women need emotional connection before physical intimacy. Changing the language changes the energy.
2. Use Stillness → Create a Connection She Can Feel
The action you need isn’t more chasing or talking—it’s stillness.
Try this: Sit comfortably, call her name, and invite her to lean into you. Say, “Come here. Let’s connect.”
Keep your hands still on her, make soft Huddle Sounds (“Mmm…”), and let her feel your presence.
3. Have a Plan → Build Anticipation
Spontaneity is great, but anticipation is the best aphrodisiac.
Set a plan for intimate time—just like making dinner reservations.
Example: "On Wednesdays, we huddle in the living room. On Fridays, we huddle in the bedroom."
Knowing what to expect removes pressure and allows her to relax into desire.
Why This Works
The goal isn’t just to get her in the mood—it’s to create a space where she feels safe to desire. When a woman feels emotionally and physically secure, she’s able to receive you fully—in every sense of the word.
Want to Take This Further?
The Intimacy Game Plan is my proven program that takes men from frustration to fulfillment—teaching real skills for lasting intimacy, desire, and connection.
Book a private call with me today. Let’s create your game plan!