I'm Not In The Mood! What Should I Do?
Q: Hi Amy, As you know, I have a hard time relaxing and feeling sexy for Dustin in the best of times. Now being in lockdown I’m feeling extra anxious and worried about everything. He's constantly making advances. Even when I give in, he wants more. He's bugging me. I'm not in the mood! What should I do? ~ Emily
A: Emily, what you should do is do Dustin, and do it for You! If you're both feeling fully satisfied he won't be hungry again in an hour. Part of what he's craving is you.
Intimacy is the foundation of your relationship. You can get intimate and connect in whatever mood you're in. Check out my Turn Yourself On & Get In The Mood video where I talk about the importance of doing it for You.
The truth is, the more emotionally and physically connected you guys are, the less anxious and worried you'll feel.
I understand that because of being in lockdown you're feeling more anxious than sexy these days. Since you're all at home now I imagine you're wearing a lot of hats, wife, mom, teacher, chef, house keeper and head worrier. It makes sense that in these strange times you have even more lists on your mind than usual.
Change your mind and your body will follow. Let yourself play, role play that is. Try a persona with a Mood Wig. Emily might be feeling anxious but her pink haired, alter ego Lilly the Apocalyptic Love Warrior, can save the world with her passion and pleasure. Dustin can choose sexy undies and a green wig, you guys can be super hero's ~ together!
Anticipation is when you're looking forward to something good, and right now we could all use more of that!