3 Things Raul Learned To Be A Great Lover
"I am a great lover!" Raul slammed a bottle of champagne on my desk, he was a handsome young lawyer. "When I first contacted you I had zero confidence. If I was ever lucky enough to hook-up with a girl I was immediately worried about how it would go. I felt like I had to perform. After my session with you, I was like, 'Who's going to be the lucky lady?"
He realized that having some skills affected all parts of his life, he’d since got a promotion, a girlfriend and yes, he truly was a more confident man. He shared that early on his girlfriend playfully asked him 'so, are you good in bed?' To which he replied 'What matters is that I can read your body and take you on a memorable journey of pleasure.'
What makes a great lover is the ability to read your partners pleasure.
That’s a skill and skills can be learned.
Raul learned how to:
• Have an intimate conversation.
• Change her state of mind and take a relationship to the next level.
• Leave her wanting more.
There's a pervasive message in our culture that when it comes to sex the no strings attached or the hook-up is the way to go. But I hear from people who wind up feeling insecure, and more alone. They aren't feeling emotionally connected or physically satisfied. Instead they're plagued by post-performance-anxiety and a lack of confidence.
Whether it's a one-night-stand or a long-term-relationship, they want to feel free to explore all of themselves. But that requires vulnerability, and trust. It's the intimacy that makes for juicy delicious connection.
Knowing how to have a juicy, delicious, intimate connection increases confidence in all areas of life.
No matter how accomplished, rich, or handsome someone is, whether they're entering a boardroom, bedroom or the playing field, sexual confidence is the key to feeling secure in all areas of life.