Intimacy Unlocked With Amy Color
Struggling with intimacy? Whether it’s stress, pain, trauma, disconnection, age, medical issues, hormonal changes, sexual pain, co-occurring disorders, or even physical therapy for sexual pain—you’re not alone.
Discover real solutions from Amy Color, Your Intimacy Coach, to unlock confidence, passion, and connection in your relationship.
I'm Not In The Mood! What Should I Do?
Q: Hi Amy, As you know, I have a hard time relaxing and feeling sexy for Dustin in the best of times. Now being in lockdown I’m feeling extra anxious and worried about everything. He's constantly making advances. Even when I give in, he wants more. He's bugging me. I'm not in the mood! What should I do? ~ Emily
3 Things Raul Learned To Be A Great Lover
He realized that having some skills affected all parts of his life, he’d since got a promotion, a girlfriend and yes, he truly was a more confident man.
My wife won't give me enough sex and I want a threesome.
Q: My wife won't give me enough sex. I masturbate and watch too much porn. She's not sexually active like before we got married.
Why Do You Feel Lonely After Sex? What Can You Do About It?
If we go into an encounter without taking the time to feel present and connect we might miss the entire point of the encounter.
A Sweet Way To Initiate ~ The Candy Dish For Anticipation
Q: I’m the one always initiating sex. In all the years that we have been together she never reaches for me. When we do have sex she never tells me what she wants. We argue more and I find myself less attracted to her. I don’t feel desirable and I worry about our future. Can you help us?
Prostate Health Care Pleasure & Erections
It's my mission for men, and couples, to have fully expressed sensual playful, connected, confident, satisfying, healing, intimate physical connection. No matter what was going on in their lives or with his Big Ole Boy 'BOB'.
Avoiding Sex Because Of Unpre-Dick-tability?
It makes sense. You feel like if you can't finish the game, why even start? I get it!
Are you ready for better intimacy and sex? Here are 3 ways to 'set the mood'.
Getting in the mood -together- is about calming the mind and synchronizing your rhythms. Here are three simple steps to follow.
How do I know if I am on the G-Spot?
The G-Spot is inside the vagina, on the front side, right above the pubic bone about 1-1.5” just inside of her on the same side as her belly and the area feels bumpy like the roof of your mouth.
Can you help me with my oral skills? I would love to be able to satisfy a woman orally.
The key to good anything is skill, but in intimacy it is mostly presence. Presence allows you the ability to read your partner’s cues and respond in a way that promotes more pleasure, which is the ultimate goal.
What can I do to feel secure in a relationship?
You can learn what it is to have a secure relationship with yourself. You've heard someone described as 'secure with themselves, this means they like themselves and have healthy boundaries.
My marriage is falling apart and I don't know what to do or how to cope.
I’m glad you reached out to me and I am sure there are others in your circle of family and friends that can support you through this.
I’m 22 and I have premature ejaculation, is there anything you can do to help me?
It makes sense, based on sexual messages you have been bombarded with through media and porn, that you would think that you are automatically supposed to know what to do in every sexual situation, but how could you?
How do you know if your partner is sexually satisfied? Do you ask her?
You may think that making sure she has her orgasm first means she is having a good time and is satisfied. You can then go on to the finish knowing that you are a good and caring lover, right? However, it’s highly possible she has never been fully sexually satisfied.
Relationships Without Intimacy
Everyone’s has different appetites. Negotiating the shared erotic menu – or dining out guide, is the key to a satisfying relationship.
My goal as a couple's intimacy coach.
Intimacy, is not something that can just be talked about, it must be felt and experienced!You can talk about sex and intimacy issues with your doctor or sex therapists with certain expected results.
Does sex increase intimacy?
Intimacy increases Sex! Sex, or intercourse is one way to express intimacy. Emotional intimacy doesn't automatically occur with sexual intimacy.