Feeling Touch-Starved? How to Connect with Yourself
Q: Dear #AskAmyColor
I feel so disconnected from everyone, even myself. How can I connect?
A: If you’re feeling isolated and craving touch, you’re not alone. Many people experience skin hunger, a deep longing for physical connection, whether they’re single or in a relationship. The reason is simple—touch is like a drug. It releases dopamine and oxytocin, the chemicals responsible for bonding and pleasure. When we lack physical connection, we feel its absence on an emotional and even physiological level.
But intimacy isn’t just about external touch—it starts within. Intimacy coach Amy Color teaches a simple yet effective practice to help you reconnect with your body:
• Place your palm on your chest (near your neck).
• Say your name out loud.
• Feel the vibration in your hand and body.
This mindful exercise increases body awareness, enhances self-intimacy, and helps you reconnect with sensation.
Self-pleasure is another essential tool—but not just as a goal-oriented act. It’s about slowing down, experiencing your own touch, and creating a deeper connection with your body. When you shift focus from "finishing" to feeling, you nurture both emotional and physical well-being.
This phase of isolation won’t last forever, but it’s an opportunity to develop a stronger relationship with yourself. By practicing self-awareness and mindful touch, you’ll not only ease feelings of loneliness but also create a foundation for deeper, more fulfilling connections in the future.
Watch Amy Color’s latest video for step-by-step exercises on self-intimacy and mindful pleasure.
#IntimacyCoach #SelfLove #TouchStarved #MindfulPleasure #EmotionalConnection