Intimacy Unlocked With Amy Color
Struggling with intimacy? Whether it’s stress, pain, trauma, disconnection, age, medical issues, hormonal changes, sexual pain, co-occurring disorders, or even physical therapy for sexual pain—you’re not alone.
Discover real solutions from Amy Color, Your Intimacy Coach, to unlock confidence, passion, and connection in your relationship.
I’m 22 and I have premature ejaculation, is there anything you can do to help me?
It makes sense, based on sexual messages you have been bombarded with through media and porn, that you would think that you are automatically supposed to know what to do in every sexual situation, but how could you?
How do you know if your partner is sexually satisfied? Do you ask her?
You may think that making sure she has her orgasm first means she is having a good time and is satisfied. You can then go on to the finish knowing that you are a good and caring lover, right? However, it’s highly possible she has never been fully sexually satisfied.
Relationships Without Intimacy
Everyone’s has different appetites. Negotiating the shared erotic menu – or dining out guide, is the key to a satisfying relationship.
My goal as a couple's intimacy coach.
Intimacy, is not something that can just be talked about, it must be felt and experienced!You can talk about sex and intimacy issues with your doctor or sex therapists with certain expected results.
Does sex increase intimacy?
Intimacy increases Sex! Sex, or intercourse is one way to express intimacy. Emotional intimacy doesn't automatically occur with sexual intimacy.